CASAS Communication Channel

With the intention of fostering a culture of transparency, contributing to trust and credibility, CASAS makes available to you
The main objective of this channel is to establish a secure communication mechanism for those who wish to report infringements, violations of the law, business ethics, etc.

This whistleblowing channel consists of four stages:
1st - Process Creation of a communication - complaint.
2nd - Process of receiving the report.
3rd - Classification of the irregularity - whistleblowing process (pre-admissibility analysis).
4th - irregularity management process.

Each communication - complaint filed will be dealt with. From the creation of the communication - complaint and at each stage, the complainant will be
The person making the complaint will be kept informed so that he/she is aware of how it is evolving. In case of doubt or need for further information, at any time, this can be managed through the same channel.

CASAS establishes a series of guarantees for all those who report, such as: the protection of personal data, the confidentiality of the report, the confidentiality of the identity of the person reporting, as well as the possibility that the person reporting can do so completely anonymously, if he/she prefers. CASAS provides for protection against retaliation and support measures for the whistleblower. All enquiries will be treated confidentially and securely.

The whistleblowing channel can be accessed all year round, 24 hours a day, by clicking on the following link.

CASAS appreciates the use of this channel, as it demonstrates its commitment to its values and ethical principles, and between all of us we generate the necessary confidence to operate in the market.